Saturday, October 17, 2009

I like you more than midterms!

Sigh. It has taken two weeks for another post to arrive, but it's finally here. My lack of attention may lead you to assume that I like midterms and stress more than I like you. In fact, I like you much more. 

I'm excited about this week's post. Now that you all know the drill and there isn't a creepy email in your inbox from "God Knows" giving you instruction, I hope that many comments are left. I think you'd agree that there are plenty of things to like about Evan, Emily, and Gregory. 

May God bless you in a big way this week!

-U.R. Lyked 

1 comment:

  1. I like you Gregory because you care about others.

    I like you Evan because you are meek. You have strength under control, and I like that about you.

    I like you Emily because you are a person who knows how to say "thank you." Your gratitude is an example to me.

