Saturday, October 17, 2009

WE LIKE YOU: Emily, Evan, Gregory



...and Emily with Comments.

I like you more than midterms!

Sigh. It has taken two weeks for another post to arrive, but it's finally here. My lack of attention may lead you to assume that I like midterms and stress more than I like you. In fact, I like you much more. 

I'm excited about this week's post. Now that you all know the drill and there isn't a creepy email in your inbox from "God Knows" giving you instruction, I hope that many comments are left. I think you'd agree that there are plenty of things to like about Evan, Emily, and Gregory. 

May God bless you in a big way this week!

-U.R. Lyked 

Saturday, October 3, 2009

WE LIKE YOU: Marissa, Cate, and Jeremy

Cate Pilgrim
You're so full of energy and life. I like that about you.

Jeremy Smith
You clearly have a passion to reach the peoples of the world. I like that about you.

Marissa King
You always have a smile on your face. And you're
really cute when you smile at Luke. I like that about you.

Recognize. Honor. Encourage.

This blog is for you.
And you.
And you.

Because I like you...

I may like your smile, your laugh.
I may like your incredible swing dance abilities
I may like that you think deeply about...X...
I may just like the fact that your presence in the room makes me want to stay there a little longer.
I may like the way you earnestly love those around you.

Or maybe--sometimes, ok, a lot of the time--you annoy me. And you treat me like you'd treat a sibling. And you act like so high-school. And you like raise your hand like way too much in class.

It doesn't matter because you still do have that smile, that interest, that glow; you are a unique and special addition to this campus.

So, I think you should know...I like that about you.

This blog will feature several new faces each week. Will you please leave lots and lots of comments that will encourage, uplift, and tell someone why they are liked? For Example,

"You have crazy-pretty eyes. I like that about you."

"The comment you made in class today about SoNSo's theory on SuchNSuch was brilliant. You say a lot of brilliant things. I like that about you"

"You are always patient with those around you. I like that about you."

(P.S. The comments can be longer or they can be shorter, and they can definitely be more profound. TAKE COMMENT LIBERTIES!!)

-U.R. Lyked
